The Real Deal on Foods to Avoid with Kidney Disease
We search the internet for news kidney patients can use. One YouTube Channel we enjoy watching is the @PlantBasedKidneysKitchen . The recent post about What Foods to Actually Avoid with Kidney Disease with Michele Crosmer, RD, CSR is a straightforward and informative video. Be sure to listen to what she mentions about starfruit!
We also like Dr. Bijal Patel, CEO of @BalboaNephrology. His brief video - The Important Role Diet Plays in Kidney Health discusses the importance of monitoring your diet when diagnosed with CKD and how a plant-based diet can be easier for the kidneys to process.
One article we’re vibing right now is from @Healthline titled How Much Protein Should I Eat on a CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Diet? This is interesting because they address the differences that occur when a person is on dialysis as opposed to not being on dialysis, the importance of protein when living with CKD.
And if you have about an hour - check out our Kidney Conversations with ReMend’s video - Plant-Based for Kidney Health? Myths Busted by Renal Dietitians. We have a discussion with multiple renal dieticians and ReMend Mentors who share their dieting experiences.
As always, speak with your physician and if you have access to a dietician, make the most of the relationship and discuss how a personalized renal diet could be beneficial for you.
#KidneyHealth #RenalDiet #DietTips