Meet Charmaine.

Life is an incredible journey.

“Hi! My name is Charmaine an I’ve been with ReMend since 2014. I’ve been on dialysis twice and have transplanted twice. I started hemodialysis in 1996 and transplanted 7 months later. That kidney kept me healthy for 3 years but unfortunately rejected and I ended up back on dialysis. That was the toughest thing I think I’ve had to do.

After 6 months, I transferred to PD and spent the next 3.5 years doing dialysis at home which was a game changer for me. I felt better and had a new lease on life….until on July 4th, 2003 when I received a perfect match kidney. Talk about a true Independence Day! I believe that no matter what, life is an incredible journey and no matter what is happening, change is sure to come. Be patient with the process.

After nearly 17 years of a successful transplant, I’ve gone sky diving…twice! I’ve completed my education including my Bachelors, and Masters and soon to complete my PhD program in Human Behavior. I’ll be a doctor in a couple of years! I’ve raced motorcycles, completed a triathlon and traveled around the world. Life is about ups and downs and keeping thoughts positive!”


Meet Dennis.


Meet Jacee.