Kidney Conversations with ReMend talks about topics people on their kidney journey i.e. currently on dialysis, recently diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease or End Stage Renal Disease are interested in discussing in a casual, straightforward setting.
This month we’ll be on Facebook for a Live Event on May 27th at 10am. Join ReMend's Co-Founder/ReMend Nephrologist, Dr. Steven Steinberg and Cindy Polis, Balboa Nephrology Medical Group's Education Nurse and of course, ReMend Mentors for another candid, live Facebook event. The focus is on Living Donation with special guest Christine Prewitt, Director - Kidney and Pancreas Transplant for Sharp Healthcare.
This is a great opportunity to ask questions to people who have gone through the experience themselves; What is a paired kidney exchange? What is a kidney champion? How do I ask for a kidney donation? You'll also learn how ReMend provides encouragement and hope to people dealing with kidney disease.
Special thanks to @BalboaNephrologyMedicalGroup and @SharpHealthcare!